Effectively on track



We have a wide range of services for the training of our clients. We always adjust to the specific needs of each of the companies and people who work as a team with our professionals. 


Executive coaching

Through periodic and confidential sessions, as a coach you will have the opportunity to improve your leadership, discover and enhance your strengths, identify your true needs and resources, detect limiting judgments and beliefs, as well as set goals and objectives in accordance with your values. addressed to:

  • Directors 
  • Managers
  • Middle managers
  • Key people

Coaching for companies

In our area of coaching for companies you will find a large team of professional coaches who are experts in assisting organizations in the design of intervention programs at different levels: senior management, management committee, middle managers and the rest of the staff. All this to achieve new, more effective ways of acting, aimed at achieving better results, not only from leaders but also from the people you lead and whom you serve. We carry out intervention, consulting and advisory programs for this type of action and we also provide support in monitoring and measuring the impact of all these programs on the organization's results.

Career coaching

Individual sessions, starting from a diagnosis of Interests, you will work on reorganizing and establishing the Career Plan, refocusing efforts and generating satisfactory results.

    Coaching for IE

    Individual sessions, starting from an Emotional Intelligence diagnosis, you will work on interrelation skills, improving self-knowledge and assertiveness to manage relationships.

      Leadership coaching

      Individual sessions, starting from an Emotional Intelligence diagnosis, you will work on interrelation skills, improving self-knowledge and assertiveness to manage relationships.

        Sales coaching

        Individual sessions, starting from a Sales Profile diagnosis, you will work on sales skills and motivation, improving performance and focus.

        Life coaching

        Life coaching contemplates the person with all the factors that surround his life: physical, social, family, work, etc. Through the accompaniment of the coach, the person manages to identify those strengths that drive them and the areas of opportunity in which they have to work, to achieve their well-being and personal satisfaction; posing tangible and measurable objectives and actions to achieve it.

        In this process of self-awareness, beliefs that can potentiate u
        hamper your goals, as well as your motivators, values, needs, and personality traits.
        Among the many benefits that are obtained are:

        ● Awareness
        ● Achievement of objectives
        ● Purpose of life
        ● Productivity
        ● Satisfaction and well-being
        ● Resilience
        ● Ability to adapt and flexibility